Internal Projects

Internal Projects

Internal Projects are any ASME at UCF created project or competition. These consist primarily of short design challenges/competitions as well as more creative or advanced concepts such as Robot Rhapsody and KnightLight. These are completely created by UCF students so feel free to reach out with any project ideas you’d like to see in the future!
Internal Project Chairs: Charles Crichton and Zhaylene Reyes

Current Projects

Prototype Pursuit: ASME Pitch Competition

Objective: “Engineering is the art of developing solutions to problems. This challenge tasks you with identifying issues in your everyday life and developing a solution or prototype to address them. You will then pitch your product to a panel of judges. The competition aims to foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and entrepreneurial spirit among participants.” Team Size: 1 – 4 Skills: Problem Solving, Public Speaking, Prototyping, Design, Entrepreneurship

GNOR 2.0

Objective: “The Great Navel Orange Race is an iconic tradition at UCF for engineering freshmen. Students often struggle as freshmen as this is their first major engineering project. A key engineering aspect is iterating and learning from past mistakes to build a better product. The goal is for upperclassmen to form a team to tackle the challenge of the GNOR boat race, showcase improvement and growth in their engineering skills, and provide an opportunity for transfer students to participate in the iconic race.” Team Size: 4-6 Skills: ASV/AUV Design, Electronics, Programming, Water Propulsion

3D Bridge Project

Objective: “Design a model bridge to be built entirely using 3D printing. The goal is to design a bridge to be able to withstand the largest force applied to it amongst other criteria.” Team Size: 1-3 Skills: CAD, Structural Analysis, Static Simulation, 3d Printing

Droid Competition

Objective: “Robotics is a multidisciplinary field that merges mechanical design, electrical controls, and computer science to develop machines that can perform tasks and assist people with everyday activities. One of the key components of robotics is the integration of actuators, sensors, and communication interfaces. This project aims to engineer a droid capable of movement, object manipulation, and user interaction.” Team Size: 3-6 Skills: Creative Design, Robotics, Controls, Sensors, Actuators

Sign-ups for these projects close March 9th!


KnightLight is one of our more advanced projects seeking to design, manufacture and operate an autonomous drone show. This is a heavily interdisciplinary project featuring mechanical design, electrical power systems, network communication systems, and software for programming and control. This is a collaboration between ASME, AIAA, IEEE, RCCF. Click the link to join the Discord and get involved (here).

Past Projects

ASME Sterling Engine Design
Design and manufacture a working Sterling engine that can generate mechanical work via heat energy. Teams of up to four will work to design the most energy efficient Sterling engine!

Rube Goldberg Machine
Teams of up to 4 will design and construct a machine intended to complete a predetermined final goal through the sequence of various unrelated tasks organized in an intentional chain-reaction.
Submissions will be in video format. Must be shot in one take, with the exception of intro/closing clips (not required).
The guidelines and rubric can be found here!

Battle Bots!
Teams of up to 5 will be introduced to the mechanical design and build processes involved in the creation and operation of a Battle Bot! Arena combat elimination tournament! 
Project guidelines can be found here, please review thoroughly!